Betolink® VMSs


Fleet and factory equipment maintenance is a complicated and expensive process. An estimated 10% to 15% of a ready-mix company’s turnover equals the maintenance costs, provided the company has its own internal repair shop. If it doesn’t, the cost is even higher.

The maintenance cost along with the fuel cost, which equals approximately 10% of the annual turnover, directly weights down on the final product pricing and the more under control these costs are, the better the pricing policy the company can implement is. On the other hand, the better maintained the fleet and the production equipment is, the shorter the breakdowns in the production and the projects are.

Our maintenance software Betolink® VMSs integrates the best practices and the expertise of the sector-leading companies for its smooth implementation in ready mix and other construction materials industries. It combines easy-of-use with plug & play connectivity with the rest of our ERP modules as well as our hardware solutions.

The following modules/functions are supported by Betolink® VMSs:

The following modules/functions are supported by Betolink® VMSs:


  • Registration of fleet and factory equipment with related data such as: year of manufacturing, date of acquirement, serial number, preventing maintenance per Date - Km or Hours of operation, insurance expiration date, etc. Custom equipment fields are also available.
  • Ability to categorize the fleet and equipment in groups with the same characteristics.
  • Same coding with the one used in the Accounting Software and ability to create linked codes to the General Ledger cost centers.
  • Categorization of the equipment as ‘complex’ if it consists of parts that require individual maintenance (ex. a concrete pump consists of entities: the truck and the pumping system).


  • Registration of spare parts with related data such as: Serial & Part Number per supplier / warranty expiration date / minimum stock limit / physical location in warehouse etc.
  • Categorization of the spare parts for easily managing and searching them in the application’s forms.
  • On-line information regarding the first and last purchasing price & date per supplier.
  • Option to print bar-code stickers in order to quickly find and extract a certain part from the warehouse.
  • Same registration form where users can register spare parts received as a stock in the warehouse, while they simultaneously use them on equipment maintenance or repair works.
  • Ability of entering spare parts and equipment works by external workshops, using one registration form and automatically creating individual records per equipment.
  • The purchases and suppliers systems of Betolink® Enterprise accounting software are updated automatically.
  • The financial cost centers are allocated and updated automatically.


  • Organization of the maintenance plans and the types of tasks that must be completed for the equipment.
  • Option to register certain tasks per equipment category or for specific equipment in prototype form and convert these to project assignments.
  • Option to register the regular vehicle services beforehand, by entering the required tasks, the spare parts and the consumables according to the manufacturer’s service book.
  • Option to plan preventive maintenances that automatically generates notification before the set Date, Km or Hours limit has been surpassed.
  • Generation of work orders by automatically converting the prototypes for each service or maintenance and registering all services (staff internal working hours – outer service invoices), as well as of the items (spare parts – consumables) used. After this is done the cost is calculated independently of Financial accounts and the Ledger along with the inventory are automatically updated.
  • Ability to keep history of equipment malfunctions and actions taken for their solution.
  • Comprehensive statistical and cost analysis reports without the Accounting Department’s contribution such as:
    - Operating cost per category of equipment (spare parts, labor cost)
    - Spare part use history per equipment and category
    - Work history per equipment
    - Lubricant cost per vehicle or equipment


  • Management of multiple fuel stations.
  • On-line displaying of the remaining fuel per station.
  • The fleet and machinery are refueled by registering the vehicle number - date / time - mileage or operating hours.
  • The refueling process can be completed automatically without any supervision after the installation of the appropriate equipment on the fuel pumps.
  • The system checks for fuel overconsumption and automatically alerts in such a case.
  • Comparative reports between the same type of vehicles (average Km/Lt or Km/h) allow the tracing of possible mechanical malfunctions or bad habits (bad driving attitude, sabotage, etc.) in certain vehicles in due time.
  • The fuel consumption per vehicle can be allotted based on the distance (in Km) of each project, in order to calculate the transportation cost independently of financial accounts.


The spare part and consumables orders should be prepared by the service manager instead of the accounting department, which usually does not even understand the terminology. The service manager knows the details and the prices and as a result must be in charge of the inspection and the delivery of the orders.

  • Option to compose a concentrated order of spare parts – consumables and convert it into individual orders per supplier.
  • Automatic supplier suggestion when selecting the items to be ordered, based on the previous best price.
  • Monitoring of the progression of the order.
  • Option to automatically place an order for spare parts using the equipment maintenance circuit.
  • Option to compose a summary spare parts order for a certain maintenance or service, with on-line budget cost calculation. After the finalization the system automatically composes individual orders per supplier.
  • Embedded procedure for purchase orders approval. Determination of deliveries acceptance only by authorized personnel. No deliveries are permitted if they are not received by the person in charge.
  • Orders receiving registration form that must be filled-in by the authorized staff. Prices, quantities and back orders (in case of separate deliveries) are automatically checked at the same time. After each receipt the Accounting software is automatically updated without needing any double-registrations.


Betolink® VMSs offers a large number of reports, starting from the simple displaying of the fleet record to complex cost-analysis reports without the assistance of the Accounting Department. You can view life cycle of each equipment: track, compare, and view expenses and time spent on maintenance.

Some of them are the following:

  • Fleet and Equipment operation cost per category (spare parts, labor, lubricants, tires etc.).
  • Spare parts history per equipment piece and category.
  • Tasks history per equipment piece.
  • Malfunctions history per equipment piece.
  • Reports with the required spare parts and consumables for the upcoming scheduled or non-scheduled maintenances while also checking the stock.
  • Reports for spare part orders based on the minimum stock limits.

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Πάθος για Καινοτομία

Ο εύκολος δρόμος της αντιγραφής και της μίμησης μάς είναι άγνωστος. Αναπτύξαμε σταδιακά τη δική μας τεχνογνωσία, που την εμπλουτίζουμε διαρκώς με νέες ιδέες και τεχνολογίες. Είμασταν και παραμένουμε ανοιχτοί σε νέες προκλήσεις.

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Εσείς Ακόμη Ψάχνετε πώς να Υλοποιήσετε τις Ιδέες σας;

Ο όμιλος PROTEM είναι 3 εταιρείες σε 1. Με τα 3 τμήματά μας, ηλεκτρονικών – μηχανολογικών – λογισμικών, σχεδιάζουμε, κατασκευάζουμε, εγκαθιστούμε και υποστηρίζουμε λύσεις από το Α έως το Ω για τη Βιομηχανία Σκυροδέματος.

Λύσεις που σας ενδιαφέρουν


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