Fully Portable Steel Deck Weighbridge


The PRWB-DIY is a portable surface mounted weighbridge suitable for weighing the most kinds of trucks. Its steel deck makes the DIY a cost-effective, yet sturdy scale solution. This weighbridge comes fully assembled with factory mounted load cells, reducing the average installation time by half. The top removable covers on the deck of the weighbridge offer easy access to the load cells and junction boxes for the instantaneous maintenance and service of the equipment.

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Surface or Pit Mounted Easy Transportable Steel Deck Weighbridge


The PRWB-M and PRWB-T are portable surface or pit mounted weighbridges made of steel, designed for heavy loading uses.

The difference between the “M” and “T” model is the 500mm middle gap which the T model benefits.

The deck of the weighbridge consists of individual 1.5 m or 1,25m wide steel platforms (for PRWB-T models) and a maximum length of 6m. They are assembled with screws during the installation, thus a classic truck scale with an overall length of 18m and a width of 3m is assembled into 3 sections of 2 individual platforms per section.

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Concrete Deck, Surface or Pit Mounted, Weighbridge


The PRWB-MC Concrete Deck Truck Scale consists of steel platforms filled with concrete on the site. It is ideal for when high levels of ambient moisture or a corrosive environment are a concern. Scrap yards, trash dumps, chemical distribution centers and quarries are all ideal environments for concrete decks due to their likelihood of causing rust.

It is also suited for climates where road salt is frequently used because of the corrosive effects of the salt. Concrete deck truck scales can be more attractive in small plots when mounted in a pit, as it allows the weighing surface to be completely level with the ground. This in turn also enables the vehicles to vertically pass over the platform as to its longitudinal axis.

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Pc Weighing Software

It is a software that interfaces with the weighbridge indicator and records the weight of the incoming and outgoing products and raw materials. Instead of weighing the vehicles through the common weighing indicator that all weighbridges are equipped with, the operator does the exact same work through our software while also simultaneously registering the rest of the delivery data (supplier, species, weight recorded on the delivery note, etc.).

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Load Cells for Weighbridges

The most crucial parts of a weighbridge are the load cells. Their construction quality, reliability and way of installation greatly determine the final weighing accuracy.

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225 Navigator

The electronic weighing indicator 225 is ideal for weighbridges and a variety of other high demand weighing applications. Can be simultaneously connected with up to 3 individual scaling platforms and individually display the weight of each scale.

It is equipped with a transflective technology 25mm back-lit LCD, with 1-inch high characters to be viewed under any lighting conditions from direct sunlight to total darkness. Multi-point calibration in order to avoid linearity errors due to the load cells or the platform’s construction.

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Protem Group S.A.

3, 35th Str., 133 41 Industrial Park
Ano Liossia / Athens, Greece
Τ. +30 210 5716500
F. +30 210 5710008
GCR No: 7633901000

1989 - 2024

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