PROTEM offers equipment and weighing systems for industrial applications that requires static or dynamic weighing measurement.

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PROTEM’s Industrial Weighing department has great experience in designing and manufacturing products and equipment for weighing and process controlling environments that require weighing measurement. One of our greatest competitive advantages in this sector is related to our philosophy and the principles we have been serving for the last 25 years: We only offer our clients tested and reliable products and solutions which we very well know how to install and adjust to their needs, so that they have the maximum efficiency and the fastest possible return of investment. Furthermore, our well-trained staff is ready to support and upgrade all of our solutions whenever their help is required as well as intergrade them with our own or third-party software solutions.

Related Product Categories


We design, manufacture and install weighbridges of different dimensions and capacities, based on the length and weight of the vehicles. We also offer the option of choosing the construction and installation type according to each application’s requirements.

Axle Weighing

Axle Weighing systems can be used for weighing multiple types of vehicles, starting from passenger cars and lightweight vehicles to much heavier vehicles with multiple axles. The system is portable and suitable for weighing materials where an error of 1 to 2% is acceptable.

Truck mounted concrete admixture dispenser

The system TM-CAD40 is a brand-new, smart device designed and manufactured exclusively by PROTEM. It is installed on a mixer truck and used for measuring the additives amount dispensed on site. The additive is dosed automatically by the device with an accuracy of ± 2% and a resolution of 20 ml.

On-Board Loader Weighing

Smart and practical solution for loaders, excavators and other lifting machines that allows the material to be weighted dynamically during loading, without having to pass the vehicle upon a weighbridge.

Forklift Weighing

Forklift complete weighing system, consisting of load cells and weighing indicator. Can be installed on forklifting vehicles of all shapes and capacities. The system ensures ease of use, durability and reliability in your daily processes.

Belt Scales

The Conveyor Belt Scales are installed on existing conveyor belts and measure the material flow rate (t/h) as it is transported along with its total weigh (aggregated over time). A small part of the conveyor belt functions as a weighting scale that measures the material’s weight.

Silo Weighing Systems

If you seek the maximum weighing accuracy for your silo or tanks, the most optimal solution is installing load cell bases directly below the silo or tank.

Bolt-on Weight Measurement System

The SiloRe@der weighing system is the affordable containing measurement solution that can be used on any vessel supported by legs or a steel frame. SiloRe@der uses special sensors bolted on the silo legs or body without needing to lift the silo or make any changes to the silo legs.

Load Cells

We provide a wide variety of Load Cells by many world-leading manufacturers and supply, exclusively for the Greek market, CARDINAL Load Cells.

Weighing Indicators

PROTEM’s weighing indictors provide ease of use for every single scale with accurate and reliable measurements. From a weighbridge’s indicator to dosing or complex automation indicators, PROTEM has the most suitable solutions for your application.

Standard Weights

Cast Iron M1, 20Kg, 10kg, 5kg and 2kg class standard weights. They are ergonomically shaped and have a handle for easily transporting them and placing them on scales.

Weighing Platforms – Platform Scales

We offer high-quality portable platform scales manufactured in several capacities and dimension for different application needs.

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Protem Group S.A.

3, 35th Str., 133 41 Industrial Park
Ano Liossia / Athens, Greece
Τ. +30 210 5716500
F. +30 210 5710008
GCR No: 7633901000

1989 - 2024

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Οδοιπορικό Protem


Μεθοδική Δουλειά, Ομαδικότητα και πολλή Υπομονή

Μαθαίνουμε από τα λάθη μας αλλά περισσότερο, μαθαίνουμε από τις επιτυχίες μας.

Η φιλοσοφία μας


Πάθος για Καινοτομία

Ο εύκολος δρόμος της αντιγραφής και της μίμησης μάς είναι άγνωστος. Αναπτύξαμε σταδιακά τη δική μας τεχνογνωσία, που την εμπλουτίζουμε διαρκώς με νέες ιδέες και τεχνολογίες. Είμασταν και παραμένουμε ανοιχτοί σε νέες προκλήσεις.

Δείτε καινοτομίες Protem


Εσείς Ακόμη Ψάχνετε πώς να Υλοποιήσετε τις Ιδέες σας;

Ο όμιλος PROTEM είναι 3 εταιρείες σε 1. Με τα 3 τμήματά μας, ηλεκτρονικών – μηχανολογικών – λογισμικών, σχεδιάζουμε, κατασκευάζουμε, εγκαθιστούμε και υποστηρίζουμε λύσεις από το Α έως το Ω για τη Βιομηχανία Σκυροδέματος.

Λύσεις που σας ενδιαφέρουν


Επιμένουμε Ελληνικά

Παρά τα εμπόδια και τις τρικλοποδιές του κράτους που πρέπει διαχρονικά να ξεπερνάμε, όλοι οι ευσυνείδητοι και νομοταγείς επιχειρηματίες στη χώρα μας, ακόμη περισσότερο δε οι κατασκευαστές, η PROTEM επιμένει Ελληνικά.

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Με το βλέμμα στραμμένο στο μέλλον

Η Protem στοχεύει πάντοτε σε ένα καλύτερο και πιο ελπιδοφόρο μέλλον. Η δύναμή μας ήταν και παραμένει το άρτια εκπαιδευμένο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό μας. Η διαρκής ενσωμάτωση νέων επιστημόνων στην κοινότητα, με τις ίδιες αρχές και τη φιλοσοφία της εταιρείας, εγγυώνται μια επιχειρησιακή συνέχεια αντάξια του παρελθόντος.

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