In the field of construction machinery, the value created by the installation of an automated grease pump is grossly undervalued. An unexpected equipment failure might cause production downtime, resulting in a sharper reduction of income than acquiring an automatic centralized lubrication system. In the Ready-Mix Concrete industry for example, regardless of the mixer’s brand or model, its moving parts and axle sealing points must be lubricated continually during operation.

Automatic Lubrication System
The mixer is not only one of the most critical production component in the Ready-Mix Concrete industry, but also amongst the most strained ones. Supplying grease to many different lube points during the mixer’s operation is imperative by many manufacturers. Particularly in horizontal shaft mixers the grease, except lubricating, seals up the shafts avoiding slurry to leak out of the mixing chamber. Thus, an automatic lubrication system ensures mixer trouble-free operation, reduce unexpected downtime and increase its service life.
The mixer is not only one of the most critical production component in the Ready-Mix Concrete industry, but also amongst the most strained ones. Supplying grease to many different lube points during the mixer’s operation is imperative by many manufacturers. Particularly in horizontal shaft mixers the grease, except lubricating, seals up the shafts avoiding slurry to leak out of the mixing chamber. Thus, an automatic lubrication system ensures mixer trouble-free operation, reduce unexpected downtime and increase its service life.
The ALP1024NHA model is PROTEM’s state-of-the-art Automatic Grease Lubrication System, suitable for all types and brands of mixers as well as for almost all heavy construction machinery and vehicles. It consists of the following parts:
- 4 Lt Grease tank equipped with safety overflow valve and a low-level sensor.
- The grease inside the tank is supplied to the internal grease pump by the force of a spring. During tank grease filling, a piston is pushed to move upwards against the spring.
- High-pressure grease pump (up to 35MPa), powered by a 24 VDC gear motor. Operating temperature ranges from -30 to 80 0C for the following grease types: NLGI 2 , 1 and 0 .
- Pressure gauge for indicating pressure on the pump outlet.
- Refilling nozzle with 150 micron filter.
- Built in controller with LCD monitor and keypad. Customizable grease pump operation time and off time. The total number of greasing cycles is displayed by connecting e remote pressure sensor on the distributor. Fault alarms indication, such as low-level grease in the grease tank and distributor is blocked. A temperature sensor may be also optionally interconnected in order to avoid the greaser to operate bellow a programmable ambient temperature.
- Secondary grease block-type distributor(s) with a single inlet and up to eight (8) outlets (lube points) each. Equipped with a piston detector rod that allows everyone to check with his eyes to see if the system is running or not.
- Primary progressive distributor block-type that supplies two or more secondary distributors. It also incorporates a piston detector rod and a pressure sensor that continuously updates the controller about the good operation of the distributor.
- All necessary hoses that deliver grease from the pump to the progressive, the secondary distributors and the final lube points.
- Grease fittings available in different sizes and threads.
The installation of an Automatic Grease Lubrication System has a fast return of investment time, due to saving grease and nearly eliminating labor costs. Some more significant advantages are the following:
- Reduced maintenance time and increased safety.
- Fixed lubrication cost for equipment’s lifetime.
- The service life of key parts of the machine is increased by up to 60%.
- Less downtime because of lubrication-related equipment failure.
- Positive environmental impact due to grease saving and machine life expanding. Grease consumption can be decreased by up to 70%, while the greater life expectancy of key parts and the whole machine saves energy and raw materials necessary for replacing them.

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