Supervision & Control

Quarries are a sector of the building materials industry, which is still falsely accused of not requiring anything special beyond the power boards and a conventional panel with dozens of buttons and ammeters, as far as automation goes. As a result, the majority of quarries still support their uninterrupted operation and the quality of their production exclusively on the human factor called the operator.

PROTEM has a different approach that is always proved in practice by its solutions and mainly through its implemented applications. We offer sophisticated automation systems for quarries of every size that allow the operator to supervise the entire installation through a monitor. Control in these cases is fully automated and human intervention is minimized to pressing the production’s START/STOP buttons. Needless to say, manual and semi-automatic control is also fully supported.

PROTEM has a different approach that is always proved in practice by its solutions and mainly through its implemented applications. We offer sophisticated automation systems for quarries of every size that allow the operator to supervise the entire installation through a monitor. Control in these cases is fully automated and human intervention is minimized to pressing the production’s START/STOP buttons. Needless to say, manual and semi-automatic control is also fully supported.


  • Supervision and operation of the plant through a single PC monitor.
  • Ability to quickly start and stop the production through an initial screen displaying the general layout of the entire quarry, the separate crashing and screening lines were available and critical error information. For detailed monitoring and analytic handling, there are other individual screens that open automatically (pop-up) when needed or manually when the operator wishes it.
  • Automated monitoring of critical parameters in the mechanical equipment such as belt speeds (rpm), motor and gearbox temperatures, high-power motor consumption. Registering of limits and recording of all events.
  • Real-time productivity monitoring as a percentage (%) and produced weight (t) for each product.
  • Monitor and record the power supply network in combination with quality factors (eg, harmonic analysis, cos) that are especially useful in case of power generators. Consumption and productivity correlation for optimal quarry’s efficiency co-ordination.
  • Control and monitor the weighbridge and the quarry with the same automation system.
  • Records operating hours of equipment and automatically informs operator for scheduled maintenances.
  • Ability to automatically measure of oil consumption by the generator(s) powering the quarry.
  • Monitor the input flow of the primary crusher by integrating the automation with our DUMPER weighing solution.


  • Reduce breakdown and maintenance costs while you increase productivity and overall safety of your quarry.
  • Retrofit your old quarry by discarding old and bulky consoles that only experienced and costly staff may operate it, where in most cases the operation is still insufficient. Existing power boards can remain as they are.
  • Fully automated and unattended operation. The operator can perform other tasks in parallel within the quarry.
  • Fully upgradeable system remotely through the internet.
  • Control and monitor the system from many work places by just having a computer and connecting it to the local network (VPN).
  • Remote monitoring of critical data and production statistics through a tablet or a mobile phone.
  • Connect your quarry automation system with your accounting department through PROTEM’s Betolink® Enterprise software and drive your business to the next computerization level.

Retrofit your old quarry by discarding old and bulky consoles that only experienced and costly staff may operate it, where in most cases the operation is still insufficient.

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Protem Group S.A.

3, 35th Str., 133 41 Industrial Park
Ano Liossia / Athens, Greece
Τ. +30 210 5716500
F. +30 210 5710008
GCR No: 7633901000

1989 - 2024

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Οδοιπορικό Protem


Μεθοδική Δουλειά, Ομαδικότητα και πολλή Υπομονή

Μαθαίνουμε από τα λάθη μας αλλά περισσότερο, μαθαίνουμε από τις επιτυχίες μας.

Η φιλοσοφία μας


Πάθος για Καινοτομία

Ο εύκολος δρόμος της αντιγραφής και της μίμησης μάς είναι άγνωστος. Αναπτύξαμε σταδιακά τη δική μας τεχνογνωσία, που την εμπλουτίζουμε διαρκώς με νέες ιδέες και τεχνολογίες. Είμασταν και παραμένουμε ανοιχτοί σε νέες προκλήσεις.

Δείτε καινοτομίες Protem


Εσείς Ακόμη Ψάχνετε πώς να Υλοποιήσετε τις Ιδέες σας;

Ο όμιλος PROTEM είναι 3 εταιρείες σε 1. Με τα 3 τμήματά μας, ηλεκτρονικών – μηχανολογικών – λογισμικών, σχεδιάζουμε, κατασκευάζουμε, εγκαθιστούμε και υποστηρίζουμε λύσεις από το Α έως το Ω για τη Βιομηχανία Σκυροδέματος.

Λύσεις που σας ενδιαφέρουν


Επιμένουμε Ελληνικά

Παρά τα εμπόδια και τις τρικλοποδιές του κράτους που πρέπει διαχρονικά να ξεπερνάμε, όλοι οι ευσυνείδητοι και νομοταγείς επιχειρηματίες στη χώρα μας, ακόμη περισσότερο δε οι κατασκευαστές, η PROTEM επιμένει Ελληνικά.

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Με το βλέμμα στραμμένο στο μέλλον

Η Protem στοχεύει πάντοτε σε ένα καλύτερο και πιο ελπιδοφόρο μέλλον. Η δύναμή μας ήταν και παραμένει το άρτια εκπαιδευμένο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό μας. Η διαρκής ενσωμάτωση νέων επιστημόνων στην κοινότητα, με τις ίδιες αρχές και τη φιλοσοφία της εταιρείας, εγγυώνται μια επιχειρησιακή συνέχεια αντάξια του παρελθόντος.

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