Concrete Deck, Surface or Pit Mounted, Weighbridge


The PRWB-MC Concrete Deck Truck Scale consists of steel platforms filled with concrete on the site. It is ideal for when high levels of ambient moisture or a corrosive environment are a concern. Scrap yards, trash dumps, chemical distribution centers and quarries are all ideal environments for concrete decks due to their likelihood of causing rust.

It is also suited for climates where road salt is frequently used because of the corrosive effects of the salt. Concrete deck truck scales can be more attractive in small plots when mounted in a pit, as it allows the weighing surface to be completely level with the ground. This in turn also enables the vehicles to vertically pass over the platform as to its longitudinal axis.

Concrete decks yield a more reliable surface texture when used in slippery or snowy conditions. Concrete decks also distribute weight better, which gives them an advantage in high-traffic applications. On average they require less maintenance during their lifetime and last longer than a Steel Deck Truck Scale.

They do have their drawbacks, however, as Concrete Deck Truck Scales require an initial curing period as well as some additional finishing work, all of which are omitted for a Steel Deck Scale. Their mass is greater than that of a steel deck, which will make the relocation of the deck arduous if performed at a later date.

Concrete decks yield a more reliable surface texture when used in slippery or snowy conditions. Concrete decks also distribute weight better, which gives them an advantage in high-traffic applications. On average they require less maintenance during their lifetime and last longer than a Steel Deck Truck Scale.

They do have their drawbacks, however, as Concrete Deck Truck Scales require an initial curing period as well as some additional finishing work, all of which are omitted for a Steel Deck Scale. Their mass is greater than that of a steel deck, which will make the relocation of the deck arduous if performed at a later date.


  • Pour-in-place concrete deck platform
  • Is field ready for the pouring of concrete without the need for any rebar to be installed in the weighbridge
  • Can be installed in a pit that is flush mount with the road or include ramps that enable it to be installed above the ground.
  • The Weighbridge consists of individual small metal platforms 1.5m wide and 6m long, which are assembled with screws during the installation. Thus, a classic weighbridge with an overall length of 18m and a width of 3m is assembled into 3 modules with 2 platforms per module.
  • Due to their modular design the PRWB-MC Weighbridge are very easily transported to the installation site with a small truck whose loading bin is 6m. The advantage of easy transportation is maximized when a container is being used, because an 18X3m PRWB-MC weighbridge fits along with all its components inside a 20’ container.
  • Top access to the weighing equipment (load cells and junction box) through the removable steel covers on the deck.
  • The maximum height of the platform from the ground level (above the ground) is 40 cm. Thanks to this height the construction of concrete access ramps with a great length or inclination is unnecessary.
  • The maximum allowed weight per axle (CLS) on the PRWB-MC weighbridge is 30T (30,000 Kg).

Dimensions / capacities

The standard dimensions and different available capacities are shown in the table below:


Deck Size

Available capacities

Sections Χ Platforms

Load cells


3 Χ 18 m

100 t

3 Χ 2


3 Χ 16 m

80 t

3 Χ 2


3 Χ 14 m

70 t

3 Χ 2


3 Χ 12 m

50 t

2 Χ 2


3 Χ 10 m

50 t

2 Χ 2


3 Χ 8 m

50 t

2 Χ 2



Important Indications

  • For the PRWB-MC-18X3m weighbridge approximately 10m3 of C30 / 37 well-vibrated concrete must be filled in the interior of each platform, while also taking all the precautions specified in the Concrete Technology Regulation into account.
  • After the first installation and after being filled with concrete, each section of the weighbridge, which originally consisted of 2 separate platforms, is now unified. Consequently transporting the weighbridge becomes more difficult as the smallest section to be transported will be 3X6m and quite heavy due to the concrete (~ 10t).

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Protem Group S.A.

3, 35th Str., 133 41 Industrial Park
Ano Liossia / Athens, Greece
Τ. +30 210 5716500
F. +30 210 5710008
GCR No: 7633901000

1989 - 2024

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