Centrifugal Separator
Used to determine the percentage of bitumen in bituminous mixtures. It consists of a removable cylindrical aluminum container mounted on a rotating mechanism. The rotation of the container is done via an inverter driven motor and the rotation speed reaches up to 3600 rpm.
Sample centrifugation speed ramp can be set to automatically increase up to 3600 rpm and stop after 10-15 seconds. The lid of the container is hermetically sealed to avoid leakages. The control panel includes: Start / Stop Button and Speed Control knob. Two models are available with a capacity of 1500 gr and 3000 gr.
Marshall Test
The LT-AS0050 50 kN automatic Marshall Stability Test Machine is used to determine the maximum load and fluidity values of bituminous mixtures. The machine consists of a robust and compact two-column frame with an adjustable upper transverse beam, an electric motor and a worm gear housed inside the base unit. It is designed to operate with minimum maintenance requirements.
The speed of the platen is 50.8 mm / min and is kept constant under load thanks to the very powerful motor. For safety reasons, lower platen movement is limited upwards and downwards by limit switches. Rapid adjustment of the platen is controlled using the up and down buttons on the digital readout unit
The measuring system consists of a 50 kN capacity load cell fitted to the upper transverse beam and a displacement measuring sensor of 25 x 0.01 mm. fitted to the braking head. The machine is supplied with a digital controller with LCD display, Breaking Head for Ø 100 mm samples and 25 mm Displacement Sensor.
Marshall Mould
The Marshall Compaction Moulds are used to produce the Marshall specimens with automatic or manual compactors. Complete with base plate, mold body and collar. They are made of steel and are coated against corrosion.
Core Drilling Machine
The portable drilling machine LT-AS0013 is designed to cut core sizes up to 200 mm in diameter from concrete, asphalt and similar hard building materials. It is extremely robust, heavy duty, compact and reliable construction that is transported in wheels and is fixed and aligned to the ground with 4 nuts. No power is needed as it is powered by a 6.5-hp petrol engine. All moving parts of the machine are coated to protect against rust.
A ball screw mechanism enables close control of the drilling pressure and rapid return when drilling is completed. The head is cooled by a built-in water pump and a 100 lt water tank, providing continuous spraying during drilling to protect diamond core. The drilling machine is installed in a trailer for fast and precise sampling on-site. Core bits have to be ordered separately.
Marshall Compactor
This machine eliminates the tuff process of hand compaction of the samples. It automatically compacts the sample and stops after the preset number of blows. The mould is held in position by a quick and practical clamping device. The drive mechanism lifts the 4550 g ± 20 gr compaction hammer that is coated against corrosion, to the height of 460mm ± 3 mm allows free fall on the top of the mould.
The lifting mechanism is arranged so that the hammer falls at the same distance for every blow. The compactor includes the laminate hardwood block and a concrete base 45x45x20 cm. All moving parts are protected with safety guard, which automatically stops the compactor when opened. There is also an emergency button according to CE requirements.
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Παρά τα εμπόδια και τις τρικλοποδιές του κράτους που πρέπει διαχρονικά να ξεπερνάμε, όλοι οι ευσυνείδητοι και νομοταγείς επιχειρηματίες στη χώρα μας, ακόμη περισσότερο δε οι κατασκευαστές, η PROTEM επιμένει Ελληνικά.

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