Water Meters
PROTEM offers a range of propeller type water meters. The PWM II is a great solution in any industrial application where preset water quantities or rate of flow are required and have to be remotely displayed.
Particularly for concrete batching plants, our water meters are a very cost-effective solution compared to the installation of a scale since they provide the measuring accuracy required by the regulation. Available dimensions from 2 "to 4" with selectable electrical pulse output per 1, 2, 5 or 10 lt.
Read moreButterfly Valves
Butterfly valves are widespread in the industry, especially in the construction material industries where they are mainly used in silos and in cement and water scales. The valve can be supplied with either manual lever or pneumatic drive. Available dimensions are ranging from Φ100mm to Φ300mm.
Read morePinch Valves
Pinch Valves are suitable for dust, granular or pulpy medium as well as for liquid or gaseous media. The special construction of the sleeve effects the closing in a level to the middle (central) axis. The robust and compact design allows installation under the most difficult conditions and very tight space. The sleeve of high elasticity also closes absolutely tight with solid matter inclusion even at highest number of switching actuations.
Read moreHopper Gates
They are used in hopper outlets - silos of aggregates or other coarse materials when the dosing process is done in batches. Concrete batching plants have a common application in the aggregate waiting hopper where the materials of each batch have to be quickly emptied into the mixer. Unlike the slide gates, they have a much longer durability and require little maintenance.
Read morePneumatic and Hydraulic Pistons
We can provide you with pneumatic pistons for the aggregate shutters or waiting hopper, mixer’s discharge door and so on. However, if your plant has hydraulic pistons, as is often the case with the mixer’s door, we can also supply you with the right piston or a complete hydraulic power pack.
Read moreAutomatic Ball Valve
Ball valves with pneumatic drive are used in the building materials industry for the dosage of water and liquid additives. They are much more durable than other valves, performing well after many operation cycles or even after long periods of disuse. Ball valves are typically fast-acting and only used for on/off process, eliminating dosage errors. These qualities make them an excellent choice for shutoff and control applications in the ready-mix industry. They are available in stainless steel as well as plastic, threaded or flanged, suitable for water, air, chemicals, oil, acid, etc.
Read moreRubber Joints
PROTEM provides rubber joints made of soft material for the connection of screw conveyors with the cement scale and the scale with the mixer.
Bad quality or under-maintenanced rubber joints are the No 1 cause of errors on cement weighing. This is happening when the joint is made of a material which hardens due to the exposure at the sun and cement itself. This results in having significant forces applied in the area affecting the weighing accuracy.
Pumps for Water and Additives
We study the actual needs of your factory and provide you with the right pump. Whether it concerns fresh or slurry water or concrete liquid additives, we have accumulated experience to offer you the most advantageous pump solution.
Read moreIndustrial Vibrators
Protem Group provides a wide variety of OLI electric industrial vibrators, part of WAM group, which cover multiple application needs in several different fields of application. The industrial vibrators are suitable for generating external vibrations on a silo, a conveyor belt, feeder, etc. From cement and aggregate materials to food and recycling applications, we have just the right electrical vibrator that suits your individual needs.
OLI’s electric motovibrators are designed and manufactured using the latest state-of-the-art technologies and premium quality materials and components that secure year-round reliable operation. With a centrifugal force of up to 26 tons, they have multiple voltage and frequency options in order operate regardless of the existing voltage. They have an IP66 protection against dust and water and are in conformity with the European low voltage Directive 2014/35/UE.
Read moreSpare Parts for Mixers
Genuine spare parts and consumables for twin shaft, planetary and vertical shaft mixers (pan) of almost all well-known mixers in the market such as SICOMA, OMG GALLETI, TEKA, CM and other.
Read moreTwin Shaft Concrete Mixers
Double horizontal shaft mixers are the most suitable for the ready-mix concrete industry because they are characterized by:
- Appropriate design for harsh working conditions and high productions.
- Capacity of 1 to 8 m3 of vibrated concrete per mix.
- Ability to mix aggregates of large sizes up to 180mm.
- Uniform mixing of fines and coarse aggregates.
- High homogenization speed which means shorter mixing time.
- Fast emptying without segregation.
- Low wear and therefore low maintenance costs.
Automatic Lubrication System
In the field of construction machinery, the value created by the installation of an automated grease pump is grossly undervalued. An unexpected equipment failure might cause production downtime, resulting in a sharper reduction of income than acquiring an automatic centralized lubrication system. In the Ready-Mix Concrete industry for example, regardless of the mixer’s brand or model, its moving parts and axle sealing points must be lubricated continually during operation.
Read morePlanetary Mixers
Vertical shaft mixers, also commonly known as planetary mixers, are best suited for mixing high quality concrete for cement products, prefabricated concrete and mortars. They achieve greater homogenization in a shorter time of mixing because of the satellite movement of its mixing blades. They clean and discharge very well while they are also ideal for colored concrete products. Planetary mixers have multiple discharge doors (up to four for certain models). Due to their low height they are also preferable for mobile concrete plants.
Read moreLoad Cells
We provide a wide variety of Load Cells by many world-leading manufacturers and supply, exclusively for the Greek market, CARDINAL Load Cells.
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Protem Group S.A.
3, 35th Str., 133 41 Industrial Park
Ano Liossia / Athens, Greece
Τ. +30 210 5716500
F. +30 210 5710008
GCR No: 7633901000
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Πάθος για Καινοτομία
Ο εύκολος δρόμος της αντιγραφής και της μίμησης μάς είναι άγνωστος. Αναπτύξαμε σταδιακά τη δική μας τεχνογνωσία, που την εμπλουτίζουμε διαρκώς με νέες ιδέες και τεχνολογίες. Είμασταν και παραμένουμε ανοιχτοί σε νέες προκλήσεις.

Εσείς Ακόμη Ψάχνετε πώς να Υλοποιήσετε τις Ιδέες σας;
Ο όμιλος PROTEM είναι 3 εταιρείες σε 1. Με τα 3 τμήματά μας, ηλεκτρονικών – μηχανολογικών – λογισμικών, σχεδιάζουμε, κατασκευάζουμε, εγκαθιστούμε και υποστηρίζουμε λύσεις από το Α έως το Ω για τη Βιομηχανία Σκυροδέματος.

Επιμένουμε Ελληνικά
Παρά τα εμπόδια και τις τρικλοποδιές του κράτους που πρέπει διαχρονικά να ξεπερνάμε, όλοι οι ευσυνείδητοι και νομοταγείς επιχειρηματίες στη χώρα μας, ακόμη περισσότερο δε οι κατασκευαστές, η PROTEM επιμένει Ελληνικά.

Με το βλέμμα στραμμένο στο μέλλον
Η Protem στοχεύει πάντοτε σε ένα καλύτερο και πιο ελπιδοφόρο μέλλον. Η δύναμή μας ήταν και παραμένει το άρτια εκπαιδευμένο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό μας. Η διαρκής ενσωμάτωση νέων επιστημόνων στην κοινότητα, με τις ίδιες αρχές και τη φιλοσοφία της εταιρείας, εγγυώνται μια επιχειρησιακή συνέχεια αντάξια του παρελθόντος.