Conveyor Belt Scale

PROTEM provides solutions for weighing in-motion of materials transported by conveyor belts in affordable prices. The combination of our weighing know-how and the use of best in class components, ensures long-lasting, stable and reliable operation. Moreover, optimal design of each belt scale according to the application needs and the conveyor belt’s specifications, where our scale will applied, allow us to achieve maximum measuring accuracy.

A belt scale system monitors production output and inventory, or regulates feeding rate of a process line, while providing vital information for the effective management and efficient operation of your business. Conveyor belt scale data can be displayed on the appropriate weighing controller display or a PC screen (via a SCADA application).

There are many options to consider when selecting a belt scale system for bulk material handling. General speaking, building material industry is more concerned about a cheap and easily installable than a high quality, high accuracy and more expensive solution, because of the non-critical and low value materials they handle.

A belt scale system monitors production output and inventory, or regulates feeding rate of a process line, while providing vital information for the effective management and efficient operation of your business. Conveyor belt scale data can be displayed on the appropriate weighing controller display or a PC screen (via a SCADA application).

There are many options to consider when selecting a belt scale system for bulk material handling. General speaking, building material industry is more concerned about a cheap and easily installable than a high quality, high accuracy and more expensive solution, because of the non-critical and low value materials they handle.


Operation principle:
One or more idlers (depending on required accuracy) of a new or existing conveyor belt are placed on the belt scale’s support frame. The frame is mounted on a number of load cells usually ranging from 1 to 4. The weight of the material transported by the elastic belt, pushes down on the rollers and idlers. At the point where the belt scale is installed, the force of the material’s weight is continuously measured by the load cells. The belt’s speed (m/sec) is also measured via a speed sensor and by combining both values (weight-speed), the indicator calculates the flow rate (t/h).

Measurement accuracy:
The measurement accuracy of a belt scale refers to the accuracy of the total weight that passes through the conveyor belt over a time period. Nominal accuracy values are always given by the manufacturer provided that the system is properly installed. In order to verify the accuracy in practice, the conveyor belt scale should be calibrated with a known weight passing uniformly over the scale for a minimum time duration of 10 minutes.


Belt length:
Our conveyor belt scales can be installed to belts with a width of up to 1.600 mm moving at speeds up to 4m/s and a capacity of up to 2.000 t/h.
Material must spend at least 0.6 seconds in the weighing area.

± 0.3% -2 % depending on material, belt inclination, number of idlers and roller angle. An important accuracy factor is material flow fluctuation. Less fluctuation results in less accuracy error.
Please contact us regarding you application needs so that we can provide you with more details.

Conveyor belt inclination:
00 (maximum accuracy) to 200 (minimum accuracy).

Idler roller angle:
Από 00 – 350 (maximum accuracy) to 450 (minimum accuracy).

Ambient Temperature:
-200 C to 650 C with temperature compensation.


In all final products conveyor belts to measure production output per material. In primer crusher’s feeding conveyor belt to measure overall productivity.

Asphalt plants:
In aggregates feeders to measure and adjust the rate of each aggregate. In the aggregate dryer’s feeding belt to automatically control and optimize the burner’s operation.

In the central aggregate conveyor belt to have an independent production recording system.

All conveyor belts that carry ore to measure mining productivity.

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Protem Group S.A.

3, 35th Str., 133 41 Industrial Park
Ano Liossia / Athens, Greece
Τ. +30 210 5716500
F. +30 210 5710008
GCR No: 7633901000

1989 - 2024

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