Certified Portable Weighing System

The WIM-P10 portable weighing system is the right alternative for fast axle and gross Weighing-in-Motion of loaded trucks and vehicles. Two lightweight and reliable weighing platforms act as the system’s key component and combine the reliability of strain gauges with high portability.

The weighing capacity is 20 Tons/Axle for an unlimited number of axles weighed. The accuracy when Weighing-in-Motion (when the vehicle is driven over the weighing platforms) is 2%, which is particularly satisfying. It is however greatly increased in static weighing (when the vehicle stops moving and each axle is weighted on the platforms individually).

The system is the ideal portable and certified solution for weighing all types of vehicles in any road site. It can therefore be used for the basic pre-selection of potentially overloaded vehicles (WiM mode) and then for certified weighing (Static mode) in order to achieve maximum accuracy.

A few minutes are more than enough for the system’s successful installation and operation. The vehicles are driven fluently over the weighing area, consisting of two PW-10 weighing platforms and four plastic roll levelling mats while speeding up to 5Km/h. The software tool offers data about the vehicle’s number of axles, its silhouette, axle and vehicle loading limits and compares them with measured loads, automatically determining mass ratios of the vehicle and fines due for overload.

The portable weighing system PW-10 is used for law enforcement weighing by state authorities and also in the private sector for commercial use eg. vehicle weighing.

A few minutes are more than enough for the system’s successful installation and operation. The vehicles are driven fluently over the weighing area, consisting of two PW-10 weighing platforms and four plastic roll levelling mats while speeding up to 5Km/h. The software tool offers data about the vehicle’s number of axles, its silhouette, axle and vehicle loading limits and compares them with measured loads, automatically determining mass ratios of the vehicle and fines due for overload.

The portable weighing system PW-10 is used for law enforcement weighing by state authorities and also in the private sector for commercial use eg. vehicle weighing.


The WIM-P10 systems can be operated through two basic types of software for law enforcement and for commercial weighing. In Static Weighing mode the system measures axle loads one by one, while in Dynamic WiM mode the axle loads are measured automatically as the vehicle is fluently driven over the weighing platforms with speeds of up to 5Km/h, significantly speeding up the entire weighing progress.

The two weighing platforms act as the system’s key components, which the vehicle gradually overtakes. The weighing data is processed and is available on the portable computer. The user can optionally choose to print the weighing notes.


  • The automatic analysis of vehicle load according to national limits is provided for law enforcement at vehicle weighing stations, border crossings and toll sites.
  • Commercial use in technical works, construction sites, etc.
  • Loading and material data processing and verifying in the entrance/exit of manufacturing or construction sites.
  • Measuring and verifying the weight of long or heavy-duty vehicles, such as mining dump trucks.
  • Portable scales WIM-P10 can also be used in technical inspection stations (STK) or in the production of trucks or buses. The weighing platforms are then placed in a dimensionally corresponding groove. In this case, weighing is possible even without levelling mats.


  • Apart from the typical static weighing, the dynamic weighing option is available as the vehicle is driven over the weighing platforms.
  • The fines for overload are automatically determined based on parameters input by the user.
  • Automatic measurement of axle loads, vehicle loads and axle overloading.
  • Dedicated portable computer software and a portable computer are included in the system’s basic equipment.
  • Complete vehicle and material records.
  • Data export to the information system.
  • Uninterrupted, year-round operation.
  • Independency from the main power supply for up to 60 hours.
  • Slim and lightweight weighing system with large measurement surfaces.
  • Exceptional building quality and protection against corrosion.
  • High portability and efficiency due to its light weight.
  • The software’s language version can be optionally customized according to your requirements.
  • Weighing accuracy is increased by using the optional plastic roll levelling mats. These are made by durable and UV resistant plastic in vivid colors, in order to help the driver navigate the vehicle over the weighing platforms.
  • EU-type approval certificate.


A portable personal computer is included in the system’s basic equipment in order to view, print and store weighing notes and reports in both static and dynamic weighing modes. The system informs the user for the following data among others:

  • Location data
  • Date and time
  • License plate number, driving speed and vehicle class
  • Gross weight and how it is distributed
  • Axle distances
  • Weight for each axle and axle groups, automatically calculated by the system


Max. Measurable Load (per wheel / per axle)

10.000 / 20.000 Kg

Min. Measurable Load (per wheel / per axle)

200 / 500 Kg

Number of Weighed Axles


Approved scale interval “e” / adjustable scale interval “d”

20 Kg / 10, 20, 50 Kg

Max. Vehicle Speed for Weigh-in-motion

5 Km/h

Min. Vehicle Speed for Weigh-in-motion

1 Km/h

Max. longitudinal inequality


Accuracy Class of Weigh-in-motion According to OIML R134


Accuracy Class of Static Weighing According to EN 45501


Weighpad Dimensions

(L x W x H) 760 x 491 x 19,5 mm

Weighpad Weight

17 Kg

Plastic roll levelling mats dimensions / weight

4000 x 750 x 18,5 mm / 28K g or

2000 x 750 x 18,5 mm / 14 Kg

EC type-approval certificate

TCM 128/04-4103


The vehicle weighing process can be fully automated by using chip card terminals on unmanned sites under the supervision of video cameras. For law enforcement weighing in vehicle weighing stations, borders and toll sites, the software automatically analyses the vehicle weight according to the national laws.

For commercial use applications, this software tool offers:

  • Weighing tickets
  • Automatic reporting of weighed material
  • Invoice generation
  • Comprehensive outputs for company accounting
  • Data for the logistics system

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Protem Group S.A.

3, 35th Str., 133 41 Industrial Park
Ano Liossia / Athens, Greece
Τ. +30 210 5716500
F. +30 210 5710008
GCR No: 7633901000

1989 - 2024

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