The most crucial parts of a weighbridge are the load cells. Their construction quality, reliability and way of installation greatly determine the final weighing accuracy.
Load Cells for Weighbridges
Even though it appears as a wired piece of steel, a load cell is a complex sensor whose manufacturing requires great know-how and strict quality control procedures. The steel’s purity, the processing of the surface upon which the strain gausses are attached, the glue’s quality as well as the manufacturing environment (must be sterile) critically affect the accuracy and lifespan of a load cell.
In a harsh working environment where the temperatures are ranging from -150 C to +600 C and where the dust and humidity are frequently 100%, the reliability of each load cell is what counts. Because if even one of the many load cells of a weighbridge fails, the whole operation stops.
The availability of spare parts is equally important in the long run. If one load cell has to be replaced after several years, it must be identical to the rest load cells of the weighbridge.
Even though it appears as a wired piece of steel, a load cell is a complex sensor whose manufacturing requires great know-how and strict quality control procedures. The steel’s purity, the processing of the surface upon which the strain gausses are attached, the glue’s quality as well as the manufacturing environment (must be sterile) critically affect the accuracy and lifespan of a load cell.
In a harsh working environment where the temperatures are ranging from -150 C to +600 C and where the dust and humidity are frequently 100%, the reliability of each load cell is what counts. Because if even one of the many load cells of a weighbridge fails, the whole operation stops.
The availability of spare parts is equally important in the long run. If one load cell has to be replaced after several years, it must be identical to the rest load cells of the weighbridge.
Cardinal’s DB series double-ended, shear beam load cells are constructed from stainless steel and environmentally sealed for absolute water protection, providing protection against corrosive, caustic and wet environments.
They are ideal for multiple load cell applications such as truck scales and heavy duty weighing systems. Each cell is furnished with 10 m of integral multi-conductor cable secured by a strain relief seal. NTEP legal-for-trade and OIML certified. Available in capacities of 22.5t (DB-50,000) and 34.0t (DB-75,000).
These heavy-capacity SCA Series compression load cells are ideal for multiple load cell applications including truck scales, railroad track scales, and heavy-duty tank weighing systems. Load cells are fabricated from stainless steel to provide the ultimate in protection when caustic, corrosive or wet environments are encountered.
Load cells are environmentally-sealed for absolute water protection. NTEP legal-for-trade and OIML certified. Available capacities range from 22,5t (50K-SCA) to 90,0t (200K-SCA).
The Dual Shear Beam HM9B series load cells by Zemic are manufactured by Nickel plated alloy steel and comprise an affordable, yet reliable solution. They are environmentally-sealed for absolute water protection (IP68).
For the force to be applied on the load cell, Zemic accompanies each load cell with a useful application kit, consisted of 2 plates and a metallic orb. They are OIML certified.
Flintec is a world leading manufacturer of high quality and accuracy weighing measurement sensors for a wide variety of industrial uses. The RC3 compression load cells are constructed from stainless steel. They are hermetically sealed in order to be completely water (IP68) and oxidize protected.
These are very well-known load cells for weighbridges in Greece. Every load cell has a 18m cable (for the 30 to 100t models). They are OIML certified and available in capacities ranging from 7.5t to 100t.
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